Dear Peter, 
I have met you twice now and we had a two months long relationship, which is pretty much a serious one if you exclude Berlin and my home town, so I believe I have the right to send you this heart breaking letter. You should know what I truly think about you. 
The way I lived you the first time was completely different than the past three weeks. The first time I was struggling and I was still learning to be alone in this world, I was still learning that a person is made out of tons of facets, more then pantone colors all together. This time I came back to you more mature, incredibly strong and fully at joy. I met a very few inspiring souls that helped me understand you and the world a bit better. 

The world is composed of boxes, all squared but of different tastes, colours, architectures and smells. Every society in the world is a box, where the lines are the rules written and unwritten that we consciously and unconsciously follow every day of our geometrical life. People are boxes too, maybe a bit more rectangular as (usually) they are more developed in height than in width. I am a rectangle, too. 
I, though, can say I have already met many boxes, tried many tastes and enjoyed many architectures. Am I a rectangle still? Is there a perfect box? Does it even make sense to be a rectangle? Most people don´t even realize they are rectangles, they don't realize why they follow particular rules rather than others. Honestly it is easier to be one, unconsciously. Life is like playing Tetris, if you are made of 90° angles one day or the other you will always find a fitting place. But what if one of your corner is a bit scratched, a bit that much that you don´t fit? That's a struggle forever! How will you help fill the box of society?
I tell you what I believe, Peter, because you are beautiful and romantic and charming. I believe being a box, a rectangle is wrong. Stop being a box, Peter. Think on, use your beauty to conquer with your natural historical charm and not with some expensive make up you imported from other boxes. Be yourself! So much of you is not yourself, I can feel it. 

Coming to the practical things I would like to give you some advice, some geometrical basics I have learned from Berlin. You know you have a lot to learn from Berlin, Berlin is like a Rubik cube: try to order it, it wont happen. 
Please learn how to value materials! You know how many cool things you can make with reused paper and glass? And plastic? You are covered with it. I see you dying suffocated in a huge plastic bag! Memorize this: пакет не надо. Man! You have an incredibly engineered metro, able to run under the fish and whales of the river. Why don´t you let it flow all night? Just let it flow, don't think too much. 

I'll see you again Peter, I know. But I need to know you will be changed, you will be a grown up man conscious of the consequences of your choices. Then I will fall in love with you for sure.

With love, Caterina
